Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Delivery

 My parcel with my Murid forces arrived safe and sound as promised on Friday and I couldn't wait to get home and get cracking with them. Obviously a few adult responsibilities were observed prior to this. However, during Friday evening, I put five units of ten Murids onto painting stands, given them a coat of black Vallejo Surface Primer, ready for painting up over the weekend. I paint one unit of ten at a time just so I feel I am making quick progress. Each unit will be painted one main colour, then jumbled up on the wargames table to make them look more of a colourful rabble. I have obviously based the main colours on paintings that are of the time.

Potentially, each colour could also represent a particular rating for each force, the higher that particular rating,the more troops of that main colour will be on the table. I need to finalise the first draft and play test it though. 

Thus far I have managed to paint up four of the units, with the fifth one block painted, and ready for highlights. 

I also need to give another big shout-out to Ian Kay at Irregular Miniatures, who was brilliant to deal with, and even, to give my army some extra variation, did a couple of conversions for me. I did not ask for this, I think Ian lost himself in putting my job together and was almost as enthusiastic as I was. 

Here was my initial email request for what I wanted for the Murid army in 15mm.

“I am after approx 15 units of ten men with muskets (7 infantry, 1 officer, 1 flag bearer, 1 drummer/musician).

6 units of melee infantry of ten men each as above.

Approx. 6 cavalry units of 8 (5 troopers, 1 officer, 1 musician, 1 flag bearer).

Approx. 6 artillery units (mixed light/mountain/Jingal/camel guns) with six crew.
A command group to represent the C-in-C and aides etc. 

Baggage base for each infantry unit and artillery unit (pack camels, pack mules, pack horses, carts, followers etc). 

I’m after a good fun mix.”


  1. Nice to see this project keep the posts coming. Irregular are a great outfit to deal with.

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the cavalry.

  2. Thanks very much. I have painted the first 50 musketeer infantry, I think I will paint the few artillery pieces for the Murids next, then maybe do some cavalry.
