Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Review - Wargaming Campaigns by Henry Hyde

 Well, where to begin? I am not an experienced reviewer, and I'm not a fan of rambling reviews either. I can confirm that I have read the book thoroughly once, and also then referred back through it for my own purposes. Therefore, I feel fairly well informed abut the subject and now feel comfortable submitting a review for anyone else who hasn't yet purchased this book but may be thinking about it. 

To sum up first then, I thoroughly enjoyed the thorough read through, and at no pint did I feel like I was just having to go through the motions in order to get to the next bit of information that maybe relevant to me. Mr. Hyde has an uncanny ability to engage the reader through every page, no mean feat given that the subject matter could easily turn very dry very quickly. Explaining wargames campaigns to anyone who has no previous experience of wargames etc. could so easily end up being a bloated mass of nonsense. However, this is very much not the case, the conversational tone is pitched just right. This book will explain to the novice everything they need to know about a wargames campaign, and if they have read the Wargaming Companion in advance by the self-same Henry Hyde then these may be the only two books a novice will need to get them started and see them through their wargaming journey. Mr. Hyde has now become a one stop shop with these two volumes, for total wargames, and wargaming careers. 

For the experienced wargamer, this book will be full of helpful information to assist you in running your campaigns, and enhancing them. This book then, Wargaming Campaigns by Henry Hyde, will commend itself to the un-initiated and the experienced wargamer alike, guaranteed. It will certainly become a well worn go-to reference book for me, and combined with the Wargaming Compendium, is the basis of my wargames reference library alongside Mr. Featherstone, and Mr. Bath. 

If you would like more information - then buy the book cheap-skate!

Wargaming Campaigns by Henry Hyde

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